Meet Our Team

World Educare Network is governed by a voluntary Executive Board of Directors, herein after referred to as the Board, constituted of Five (5) Members, elected individuals; gender sensitive and, from a range of professional experiences. The Members elected to the Board of WENET shall include at least One Founder Member and or their Representative(s) as shall be recommended by the founder Members. The Term of Office is Three (3) Years and, except for the Founder Member(s) of WENET, each Board Member serves a maximum of Three Terms. The Board is responsible for; providing servant Leadership, keeping truck of WENET strategic Vision, influencing Partnerships, financial Oversight & guiding Governance!
Okino Joseph
Chief Executive Officer

Nauruz Acham OKIRIA
Board Chairperson

Global Ambassador

Program Coordinator

Suzan Joy EMUN
Board Secretary

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